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Some fragments from hide's web-diary.

-1998- (was called -hide's voice-)

1998/02/11/ 03:20

( note: In Japan, there is a newly made custom that girls confess their love to their ( sometimes one-sided ) lovers by presenting a chocolate on Feb. 14. Boys who received chocolates on that day are expected to show their love by presenting something to their girls on Mar. 14. These years, ladies tend to present chocolate to men who are not their lovers. In such cases, the chocolate does not represent her heartfelt love. Such "less meant" chocolate is called, "GIRI chocolate" ) 
Yes, again this time of the year has come around. I have to admit that I myself did released a compilation album for the sake of this particular season... but I want to say....Boys! Especially boys who are depressed in this season! It is a conspiracy of confectionery companies. Do not take it serious! A chocolate? I received none of it before high school age. BUT! I am living my life in such a cool way...( I am cool? Can I say it cool...? I am not sure...) Can't you see? That is, after all it has no meaning for your life......but....it would mean much for you....it meant much for me when I was at your age, actually. "Someone could understand me, hidden someone whom I don't know might be watching me secretly and would show up today..." This is a day that every boy can't help imagining such a thing. However, boys, don't wait for girl's chocolate. Don't reach out to get a chocolate. Choose an open way, dignified life. When you received a GIRI chocolate, put mold on it as a special additive and return it as it is on Mar. 14 to the insensitive girl! You will meet people who are really watching you, who really care you, and who are waiting for what you make....someday in the future. OK, let's go out to drink. We need rather alcohol than sweets all in all, don't we? You understand, teenagers? 

-1997- (was called -hide's monologue-)

97/2/21 21:42:55 
今、YOっちゃんからTELあり。今年の作戦を少々、、、とPATAの酒についてマジに懸念する彼が面白い「俺のツアーの時も飲みっぱなしだったけど、あれでふつうなんじゃねぇかぁ?」と、思ったがちょっ と痩せすぎが気にかかる。YOっちゃんはかなり元気であいかわらず、鍛えまくってるし、ずっとスタジオで仕事してる。、、、この今やってる「仕事」は割とはやくに、皆さんに届くと思うので、おたのしみに、もちろん、Xjapanモノです。今月の終りにヒーちゃんは日本へ帰ってソロのシングルのプロ モーション&アルバム制作の続きを進めるらしい。マックピープルと言う雑誌でヒーちゃんは連載中なのだが、彼に誘われ、私も時々参加する事になった。、、締切怖い。Toshi君はご存じの様にめでたくゴールインなさいまして、現在ソロツアー中。TVでコメントをしてるのを見たら、小柄な彼がひとま わり大きく見えた。おめでとう。面と向かってだと、どうもチャカしてごまかしそうなので、ここで、ひっそり言ってます。LAでドーム以来、久々に5人合体したら、こりゃあ肝臓、4個分位、飲まにゃぁ、しゃあねぇな。では、

97/2/21 21:42:55


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